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domingo, 22 de junho de 2008

Idioms and Proverbs: vocabulário nem um pouco simples!

Expressões Idiomáticas e Provérbios

1. Os pares de substantivos a seguir sempre ocorrem em uma ordem fixa. Descubra a combinação correta:

1. Friend or …

A. tear

2. Bow and …

B. water

3. Flesh and …

C. dale

4. Head over …

D. arrow

5. Wear and …

E. reason

6. Hill and …

F. heels

7. Use and …

G. blood

8. Body and …

H. foe

9. Without rhyme or …

I. abuse

10. Fire and …

J. soul

2. Expressões Idiomáticas de comparação. Relacione as colunas:

1. As black as …

A. a bee

2. As blind as …

B. glass

3. As bold as …

C. lightning

4. As brittle as …

D. a fox

5. As busy as …

E. the Ace of Spades

6. As cunning as …

F. a hunter

7. As drunk as …

G. a bat

8. As hungry as …

H. a razor

9. As quick as …

I. a lord

10. As sharp as …

J. brass

3. Cores em Expressões Idiomáticas. Combine as expressões da primeira coluna com seus significados na segunda coluna:

1. to have something in black and white

A. to owe more than you have

2. I blew your money

B. I spent all your money wastefully

3. to be browned off with something

C. to be drunk

4. to have green fingers

D. an area of woodlands and fields around a city

5. out of the blue

E. to show fear

6. to see pink elephants

F. to have it on paper, in writing

7. to catch someone red-handed

G. to twist the truth in such a way that someone’s feelings are spared

8. to be in the red

H. to be bored, irritated

9. to tell a white lie

I. to be good at gardening

10. to show the white feather

J. to catch someone in the act of doing something wrong

11. to feel blue

K. suddenly, unexpectedly

12. a green belt

L. to be sad and miserable

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