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domingo, 7 de setembro de 2008


Bom pessoal, para completar a série sobre comparativos e superlativos, aqui está um exercício simples onde misturei de tudo um pouco. Prestem bastante atenção pois há apenas uma resposta correta. Boa sorte e bom estudo!

Everybody laughs at his jokes. Nobody is _______ than him.

[A] the funniest

[B] as funny as

[C] funnier

[D] fun

David wears "large" shirts. Peter wears them too. Peter is _____________ David.

[A] bigger than

[B] as big as

[C] the biggest

[D] smaller than

Susan lives 2 kilometers from the College. Dorothy lives 5 kilometers from the College. Dorothy lives ______ Susan to the College

[A] as close as

[B] closer than

[C] close

[D] not as close as

Paul got 87% in the test. Stephen got 75%. Stephen's grade is __________ Paul's

[A] higher than

[B] as good as

[C] not as good as

[D] the worst

Jane has an I.Q. of 95,while Joan has an I.Q. of 115. Jane is ____________ Joan.

[A] as intelligent as

[B] less intelligent than

[C] not as clever as

[D] smarter than

House A costs $140,000, whereas house B costs $190,000. House B is__________ House A.

[A] more expensive than

[B] not as expensive as

[C] cheaper than

[D] as cheap as

August is ____________ April in Israel.

[A] as hot as

[B] colder than

[C] the hottest

[D] hotter than

Both John and Paul have many friends. John is _____________ Paul.

[A] more popular than

[B] as popular as

[C] not as popular as

[D] popular

John's house has 2 bedrooms; Philip's house has 4 bedrooms. John's house is ___________ Philip's.

[A] as large as

[B] not as small as

[C] larger than

[D] not as large as

Everything is going wrong today. This is _______day of my life.

[A] good

[B] the Best

[C] the worst

[D] worse than

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