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domingo, 7 de setembro de 2008

EXERCÍCIOS: comparativos, e mais nada!

Desculpem pela formatação fora do comum: o blogger.com está muito estranho ultimamente com as tags de html! Mas como os posts recentes foram sobre comparativos e superlativos, que tal praticar um pouco?
Complete com a forma comparativa dos adjetivos entre parênteses.
Abraços e bom estudo!

1. I think Shannon has been dieting. She looks (thin)!

2. Don't buy this book! That one is

3. Let's take this route. It's

4. We should choose a
(intelligent) movie. This one is too silly.

5. This knife isn't very sharp. Do you have a
(sharp) one?

6. These fields are so beautiful! Even the grass looks

7. Why do you want a typewriter? A computer would be
(useful) in your office.

8. I don't like this restaurant. Let's go to the one near my house: it's

9. Your dog is really big! Mine is

10. New York is a very nice city now.
It's (safe) than it used to be.

11. My city is (old) than yours.

12. Jane is (pretty) than Melissa.

13. Kevin is (attractive) than John.

14. Dogs are usually (heavy) than cats.

15. Watching a film in DVD is (cheap) than going to the theater.

16. This comedian is so funny! He's even (funny) than the one we saw yesterday.

17. This brand of pastry is (good) than the brand I usually buy.

18. The book I'm reading is much (interesting) than all the books I've read in the past.

19. Italian is much (easy) to learn than German.

20. Jake is (young) than his sister.

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