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quarta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2008

Pratique os causative verbs: não é fácil!!

Siga o exemplo básico abaixo:
I think Joe should clean his room. --> I'll get Joe to clean his room.

My house is a mess!

1. I think the carpenter should fix my door.
I'll my door.

2. I think the cleaner should wash my windows.
I'll my windows.

3. I think the gardener should cut my grass.
I'll my grass.

4. I think the builder should fix my roof.
I'll my roof.

5. I think the plumber should mend my tap.
I'll my tap.

My car is a mess!

1. The tires need replacing.
I'll tomorrow.

2. The oil needs changing.
I'll tomorrow.

3. The ashtrays need emptying.
I'll tomorrow.

4. The engine needs tuning up.
I'll tomorrow.

5. The brakes need fixing.
I'll tomorrow.

6. The gas tank needs filling.
I'll tomorrow.

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