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segunda-feira, 5 de abril de 2010

INGLÊS: reading comprehension exercises

Leia o texto direto na página do The Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/flash/0,5860,1279480,00.html

Clique em "next" para ver a apresentção completa.

Exercise 1: Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE?
  1. During the previous visit the spaceship flew over the planet a number of times.
  2. The journey which is 6 billion miles long will end with a 5 year long stay around the planet.
  3. The sun is more effective on Mercury than the other planers because of its distance.
  4. Pluto is the furthest planet.
  5. Mercury’s core is 60% iron; this makes it the least dense planet orbiting the sun.
  6. The rate of transmission varies from 8.7 bits a second to 104 kilobits a second depending on the size of the ground station and the distance.
  7. Star Trekker is a camera which takes a picture of space ten times a minute.
  8. Messenger lifted off from Cape Canaveral Florida, USA on board a 727 rocket.
  9. The team members will adjust some of the instruments using the moon as if it were Mercury.
  10. Messenger will need Venus’ zero gravity to redirect its route.
  11. Reaching the right speed is the most crucial part of the journey.
Exercise 2: Now, decide whether the following statements are True (T) False (F) or no information (NI)

  1. Mercury is the hottest planet
  2. The closest planet to the sun is Mercury
  3. The hottest temperature on Mercury is more than 450 C
  4. Venus is between Earth and Jupiter
  5. Pluto is smaller than Mercury
  6. Iron ore accounts for more than 50% of Mercury
  7. There is a little oxygen on Mercury
  8. Four inner planets are mentioned
  9. Messenger has 8 antennas
  10. Maximum rate of transmission is 104 megabits per minute
  11. The solar panel can generate more than 2kw of power
  12. Messenger has left earth already
  13. Messenger will pass closer than 5k to Venus
  14. If Messenger is too fast it will crash into Mercury

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